Tuesday 7 April 2020

What Lies In the Future of Computer Sicence Design Industry

Most of us likely engage in mechanical engineering design on a daily basis, but what’s the future for this crucial field?

Since the invention of CAD software, mechanical design has been computer science vs computer engineering to its core. However, there are quite a lot of things about the process that are rather rudimentary. We still have to manually input constraints for parts that may seem obvious.

We can still make one minor mistake that can corrupt our whole model. Software is becoming smarter and smarter, but for the most part, the mechanical engineer is still where the innovation and the skill lies. What happens though, when programs become generative; when the mechanical engineer’s office dissolves and design moves into the future? Let’s take a deeper look.

The echoing of this future reality has already been occurring. The age of touch screen computers has brought more natural mechanical design interface. Moving forward, it will likely be virtual reality and quantum computing that brings mechanical design into its ultimate realization for the engineer.

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