Tuesday 7 July 2020

Our Engineering Policy Adviser, Carly Nettleford, examines the attitudes she has experienced to date in her career

The recent murder of George Floyd has caused international outrage and protests worldwide, including the UK. This event brought to the attention of many that racism still very much exists within the UK. Racism is something I have experienced first-hand; this is also the case for many black people that I have encountered, who have expressed the same, whether the racism was conscious, subconscious, systematic or a microaggression.

Being a young, black, female engineer, I am a considered minority and as a result I have experienced discrimination in many ways, based on my age, race, and gender. It has caused me to have a thicker skin and was always brushed off as ‘banter’, yet these experiences have stuck with me for many years. I remember being around the age of four or five when my parents sat me down and explained to me the history of racism, and their personal experiences of racism since immigrating to the UK in the jobs with a computer science degree. My dad has constantly reinforced over the years that I may experience racism from both kids and adults during my life and that I need to be prepared, be strong and stay professional.

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