Friday 23 October 2020

Agile brings project management concepts to marketing

 The concept of agile marketing is not new, but it’s gradually permeating further as a real-life option for marketing teams. But exactly which kind of organizations would benefit most from implementing agile marketing? 

“If your team or organization struggles with long project cycle times, limited opportunities for learning and adjustment, then agile may be the answer,” said Zach Wolfe, Senior Strategic Customer Success Manager for Wrike, a project management software vendor, at MarTech. “Agile is a flexible methodology that can ultimately be used in any large scale project in any industry, market or company.” 

The ability to adapt quickly to changing priorities with comfort and flexibility is why implementing agile marketing makes sense during this age of uncertainty. The agile methodology and the tools that come with it increase productivity and provide increased insight to daily operations, showcasing one of its greatest benefits — creating a more efficient project management process. 

“Marketing teams need tools that allow us to pivot and change the course of the project, if necessary,” said Pat computer engineering definition, Senior Marketing and Event Project Manager for Wrike. “No software will manage the process for you but as a project manager you can fine tune the best practices and scale projects by replicating those best practices.” The concept of agile marketing is not new, but it’s gradually permeating further as a real-life option for marketing teams. But exactly which kind of organizations would benefit most from implementing agile marketing? 

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